Best mlm software Services To Buy Online | Binary Network Marketing Software | Customizable MLM Software is Essential for MLM Business: MLM Plans and Concepts launched for multi-level marketing companies/ industries. The most popular MLM plans introduced in MLM industries are Binary MLM Plan, Matrix, Unilevel MLM Plan, Repurchase, Board MLM Plan, Generation, Donation or Help MLM Plan, Stair Step, Australian Binary MLM Plan Help Plan and lots more other MLM Plans. The question arises here-Which is the best MLM Plan?

10 Best MLM Plans for your Multi Level Marketing [MLM] Business Software | MLM Affiliate Software

  • Jitendra Sharma
  • 5th Mar 2022

Multi-Level Marketing [MLM] Business Software

mlm plans

MLM Plans and concepts launched for Multi Level Marketing companies/ industries. The most popular MLM plans introduced in MLM industries are Binary MLM Plan, Matrix, Unilevel MLM Plan, Repurchase, Board MLM Plan, Generation, Donation or Help MLM Plan, Stair Step,  Help Plan and lots more other MLM Plans. The question arises here-Which is the best MLM Plan?

mlm plan

Multi-level marketing is a pillar of network marketing that resolutely lifts the business in all aspects. MLM is the latest trend, followed by companies because of its Pursuance. The recent study conducted for the global MLM software market also affirmed that MLM software would Expansion in the coming years. It also asserted a plethora of merits for multi-level marketing that dazzle the business in a good light. 


Looking for Multi Level Marketing Software? Check out Software Suggests list of the best multi-level marketing software solutions.

Many certified companies offer different MLM plans to various established enterprises and upcoming organizations. You can choose the compensation plans that are best suited for your business. It will help you strategize business plans for the latest. These plan provider companies can also equip you with free samples, and demos with custom MLM plans to configure their needs and demands accordingly.


Features of Multi-Level Marketing [MLM] Plan eCommerce or e-Pin

Best MLM Plans to Watch Out

Let’s have a peek at the 10 best MLM plans that can profit your business extensively:


1. Binary MLM Compensation Plans

The binary MLM compensation plan is the most popular and widely accepted plan by industries. It is beneficial for individuals and network marketers. It has a two-leg system concept where one is known as the left side or left leg, whereas the other is the right side or right leg. A person joining the network will either accommodate to the left or the right leg. 

This equally distributed and oriented network forms a tree structure. This tree structure consists of two legs, a power leg, and a profit leg. The power leg in the tree layout denotes the plan in which an enrolled member recruits another member in the networking chain at a leaf position. This process continues substantially. Profit leg, on the other hand, is a process of joining network marketing for self-profit. It advances and maximizes the profit with the recruitment of more members.

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2. Matrix MLM Compensation Plans  

Matrix MLM Compensation plan is also known as the Force matrix plan. There is a fixed width, and depth matrix for the downline arranged. There is a limited number of members recruited for this process. Only three new members can qualify for width front and can earn benefits up to n levels. As the width is limited, so the upline has to drive more sales from the downline. It enables you to set the bonus level as per the MLM business compensation plans to entice more customers for purchases and diversify the network chain for more profitability.

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3. Unilevel MLM Compensation Plans

It is the most basic Unilevel MLM plan. It qualifies you to affiliate new candidates directly into the first line, i.e., you have direct control over the distributors. It enables you to recruit unlimited members to the front row and column width.  

Multi-level marketing companies make this plan more charming by introducing rewards, incentives, or bonuses after reaching a specific level of frontline depth. The distributors can draw striking results using this MLM plan. Recruiting a large number of members to the downline allows the distributor to earn impressive returns and profits.  

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4. Straight-line MLM Compensation Plans

Its also recognized as a monoline Compensation plan and has a fundamental concept of functioning. The structure of this plan is a downward string of users, one under the other, as the new candidates join the chain and extend gradually. These plans allow the current user to make profits from every new user.

The downline structure depends on the time stamp or first-come, first-serve basis. It signifies that the member joining the hierarchy first will avail more profit. It also allows rank-based overrides and a global & matching bonus pool distribution system.

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5. Board MLM Compensation plans

The companies also acknowledge the board plan as a Revolving Matrix Plan. In this plan, there are a group of affiliates working in a team known as the board. This board consists of several members permitted by the company’s regulatory protocols. Once the board is full, it splits to form a new board composed of excess members.  

All the members contain referrals, and MLM companies set the bar on the board.

The member who selects the plan authorizes the number of members recruited on the board and members promoted to the next board. Every board can earn bonuses and gain returns based on income plan arrangement.

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6. Generation MLM Compensation Plans

You can also recognize the Generation plan as a Repurchase Plan. The policy of action for this technique depends on product selling. The affiliate has to sell the products to acquire bonuses and incentives on target achievement.

This plan is different and effective when compared to other modern marketing strategies.  

Companies that manufacture consumable products believe in media marketing. Whereas, this plan depends on mouth marketing or person-to-person marketing that gives this process a personal touch. The user also considers this plan as a motivational product selling MLM.

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7. Party MLM Compensation Plans

In the party compensation plan, the endorsement and selling of products are through social events. It is a direct selling method where the marketing operates in ‘business in the party mode. This plan is categorized under ‘multi-level marketing’ and ‘single-level marketing’ as well.

The implementation of this plan is the most straightforward among all the other methods. The host conducts a party where he invites all his family members, relatives, and friends. Then he displays, promotes, and sells the desired products to the guests.

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8. Stair-Step MLM Compensation Plans

The design of this plan relies on the sales volume factor. The sales volumes of the individual, as well as the group, influence the entire chain. A target is set for the affiliates and downline members to achieve. Procurement of goals will avail incentives and bonuses to the members and affiliates, promoting them to a higher designation. It offers unlimited frontline, and if one can meet the target will advance to a certain level achieving breakaway.

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9. Spillover Binary MLM Compensation Plans

The binary compensation plan only allowed two members in the downline. The sales rate depended on two downline members, and there was nothing you could do to improve the sales rate. Whereas, spillover binary gives an edge to the force binary MLM plan.

The Spillover MLM plan allows you to add a third member to either side of the subtree. You can introduce the third member to the weaker side, ensuring maximum revenue. The astounding feature of this process makes the sponsors earn better returns with prompt business strategies.

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10. Hybrid MLM Compensation Plans

This plan beholds the characteristics of a Binary compensation plan and a uni-level compensation plan. The structural alignment of this plan involves the entire team like a single unit. This plan does not have any supervisor to keep track of the whole chain. All the individuals work as a team to boost revenue generation. It helps to improve the depth of the plan, and the incentives and bonuses get divided among the entire network.

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Binary MLM Plan with e-Commerce

Binary MLM Plan includes a two-legged structure where a parent Node has two sub-nodes where each new distributor or member is placed in either the left or right sub-tree. One sub-tree is known as a Power Leg or Profit Leg while the second sub-tree is a Profit Leg or a weak leg. It is one of the basic Binary MLM plans which is required by all MLM organizations be they small or large. The binary MLM plan helps the admin manage users or sub-nodes in a binary network to keep a record of their income, expenses, etc.


Board Plan e-Commerce

Board MLM Software is a software application based on the Board MLM plan that empowers growing MLM companies to generate more leads, manages their customer and distributor base, and expand their MLM business into new areas.

A board plan is otherwise known as a revolving matrix plan or matrix cycle plan. This Plan gives you a chance to benefit from the effort of all the other board members. Because a specific member is entitled to a bonus or commission every time the Board/Matrix Cycle entry is finalized.

board plan


Monoline MLM plan with e-Commerce

Monoline / Single Multi-Level Marketing Plan includes a one-legged structure where a parent Node has one sub-node where each new distributor or member is placed under a subtree. It is one of the basic Monoline MLM plans which is required by all MLM organizations be they small or large. The monoline MLM plan helps the admin manage users or sub-nodes in a monoline network to keep a record of their income, expenses, etc. 


Force Matrix MLM Plan with e-Commerce

Force Matrix MLM Plan includes a number of legged structures where a parent Node has many sub-nodes where each new distributor or member is placed in a down sub-tree. It is one of the basic Force matrices which is required by all MLM organizations be they small or large. The Force Matrix MLM Laravel helps the admin manage users or sub-nodes in a Matrix network to keep a record of their income, expenses, etc.

force matrix mlm


Unilevel MLM Plan with e-Commerce

Unilevel Multi-Level Marketing Plan includes a number of legged structures where a parent Node has many sub-nodes where each new distributor or member is placed in a down sub-tree. It is one of the basic Unilevel WooCommerce which is required by all MLM organizations be they small or large. The Unilevel WooCommerce helps admin managing users or sub-nodes in a Unary network to keep a record of their income, expenses, etc. 

unilevel mlm ecommerce


REST API with e-Commerce

Our APIs handle the woo-commerce front-end and all functionalities like customer log-in/register. You can request any type of information which is listed below, our API will provide you managed results for your all frontend needs, which will be useful for your applications like Mobile App, etc.

Business-to-Customer REST API for Woo-Commerce will empower your Woo-commerce site with the most powerful Woo-Commerce REST API, you will be able to get and send data to your marketplace from other mobile apps or websites using HTTP Rest API requests.
Our plugin is used JWT authentication for the authorization process.


Benefits of Multi-Level Marketing [MLM] Plan

  • An MLM plan has a straightforward approach and it is easy to calculate commissions.
  • One can earn money in different ways such as matching, sponsoring, and position/levels to members.
  • This scheme provides several earning opportunities as the number of participants in the network grows.
  • The restriction in width and depth minimizes the risk of network marketing business.
  • The Spillover ability encourages more members to this MLM Plan.
  • The distributors get promoted to a higher level once their downlines vacant places are filled.
  • This plan is easy to manage the downline members as it has a fixed cycle.
  • After filling out the downline members, the plan initiator can move on to other areas such as making your downline executives leaders.


All MLM Software in WordPress, Opencart, Laravel, and Drupal.


WordPress Plans


Magento eCommerce Plans


Drupal Plans


Opencart Plans


Laravel Plan


MLM REST API Woo Commerce


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