Binary eCommerce MLM Software Integration Service | Binary Plan with WooCommerce: Binary MLM eCommerce Plan Software is a web application that integrates with Drupal, OpenCart, Magento, Laravel, WordPress, and plugins/modules and helps to manage binary MLM networks.
Binary eCommerce MLM Software Integration Service | Binary Plan with WooCommerce
Jitendra Sharma
18th Dec 2022
Binary eCommerce MLM Software Integration Service
Binary MLM Software
A website application that integrates with the e-Commerce Module and aids in managing binary MLM networks is called Binary Multi-Level Marketing [MLM] Plan Software.
Binary MLM Plan
A parent node has two child nodes, and each new distributor or member is inserted in either the left or right sub-tree in the binary MLM plan's two-legged structure. While the second sub-tree is referred to as a Profit Leg or a weak leg, the first sub-tree is known as a Power Leg or Profit Leg. One of the fundamental Binary MLM plans, whether it be for a small or huge MLM firm, is a requirement. The admin controlling users or sub-nodes in a binary network can keep track of their earnings, outgoings, etc. with the aid of the binary MLM plan.
There are five types of commission
i. Join Commission
ii. Referral Commission
iii. Level Commission
iv. Bonus Commission
v. Royalty Commission
vi. Pair Commission
Features of Binary Plan
Selectable/Choosable order status on which commission will be distributed feature.