Binary MLM is a set of software programs used by MLM businesses to manage the binary tree in network marketing. It is used to organize a binary tree, manage bonuses and capture leads.
This is useful for monitoring the activities of downline members within the binary system in MLM.
You can save time and energy by using binary mlm software that automatically calculates financial activities within a binary tree.
An ideal MLM software suite includes the following modules;
Autoresponders from the subscriber list are automatically sent to your customers. When you employ an autoresponder, you don't need to pay attention to the user right away. In-network marketing, you can focus on many other important aspects.
Process of copying or reproducing something is called replication. In the technology world, this means that a website template is copied, distributed and personalized for a large number of users.
A company may use a ticketing/E-pin system as a management tool to process and classify customer support requests. Tickets, also known as events or issues, must be properly stored along with relevant user data. The ticketing system should be easy to use for customer service representatives, managers and administrators.
A multi-currency is a software system that allows you to trade in multiple currencies. It supports the international buying and selling of things. Today every firm must transact in multiple currencies.
It enables you to overcome the language barriers and makes you strong enough to enter the global market.
You can use a landing page to collect information from visitors to your page. Using a lead capture system, you can collect information such as name, phone number and email address.
You can make payments on the web and other mobile devices using payment gateways.
The referral bonus is a new member that can be placed either on the left or the right position depending on your status. For each direct referral you make, you will be compensated with a sponsor/referral bonus of a fixed percentage of X amount (x%) or a certain amount (x).
It is promotional bonus for users, mainly rank bonus calculated referral count, left user and right user count or total number of members under a specific rank on the binary tree.
The pair/binary bonus on a binary mlm software plan can be a lifetime benefit to a user under which a user is registered. If a new user registers on the old user's left leg then a certain amount of PV/BV is deposited in the old user's left leg and the same process is deposited in the right leg.
Recurring commissions allow you to reward your affiliates for recurring payments. Recurring commissions for affiliates may arise automatically during a certain period of time (daily, weekly, monthly, etc.) or until you stop them, even if your payment processor does not support recurring payments. callback.
Along with purchase commissions, the affiliate who refers your customer will get commission for all future purchases by that customer.