So if you are looking for city area pincode based products in opencart store then this extension can be useful for you. With all the above functions you can easily get started.
You must have the delivery pincode of either the search engine or your delivery partner. They can provide you with the list and you can import using our import functions.
If you have a custom theme / checkout we offer free customization based on your theme / checkout. Already we have done custom themes and lot of installations at checkout.
Pincode Based Product Price opencart allows you to sell the same product in multiple price based on the pincode/zipcode of the customer.
This module allows customers to check whether a product is deliverable in their city from the category and product page. Customers can simply enter the postcode manually or choose their address and then check the availability of the product at that location. This extension works for both guests and registered customers, both of whom can check the delivery of products.
Suppose you have 2 cities where your products are delivered. Let's call them City Delhi,Noida.
Product A is only available at location City Delhi.
Product B is available at both Locations City Delhi, Noida.
So with this extension you assign Product Delhi to City Noida.
And assign Product B to city Delhi, Noida both.
Furthermore you also have an option to add shipping charges for different cities for products.
Now suppose there are some products which are also possible to deliver in certain area ( Pincode ).
This can also be done with this extension.
Finally it is possible for you to assign product to city, to group of area or single area.