Understanding the Binary MLM Plan and How It Works | How does a Binary MLM Plan Work? | What is Binary MLM Software | Binary MLM plan is a network marketing compensation strategy used by many top performing MLM companies. is a web application that helps to manage binary MLM networks such as to keep track of down-line incomes, uplines, and expenditures.
Understanding the Binary MLM Plan and How It Works | Binary Multi-Level Marketing Plan Software
Jitendra Sharma
22nd May 2023
Understanding the Binary MLM Plan and How It Works
The Binary MLM Plan is a popular compensation structure used in multi-level marketing (MLM) businesses. This plan allows distributors to build two legs or teams, commonly known as the "power leg" and the "profit leg." Understanding how the Binary MLM Plan works is essential for those considering or already involved in this type of network marketing business.
In a Binary MLM Plan, each distributor is required to recruit and sponsor two new distributors, referred to as their frontline or personally sponsored members. These two frontline distributors form the foundation of the binary structure. As the organization grows, new recruits are placed in either the power leg or the profit leg, depending on factors like their placement in the hierarchy or the system's algorithm.
The power leg is also known as the stronger leg or the team with more recruits. It typically receives spillover from the upline's recruiting efforts, benefiting members who may not have personally sponsored those recruits. The profit leg is the other team, and it depends on individual efforts to build and grow the downline.
Commissions and bonuses are earned based on the sales volume generated by the weaker leg or the profit leg. This means that distributors must focus on balancing the growth of both legs to maximize their earnings. The Binary MLM Plan often encourages teamwork, as distributors help and support each other to achieve success.
To illustrate how it works, let's consider an example: If a distributor in the binary structure makes sales of 500 units on the profit leg and 800 units on the power leg, they will earn commissions based on the sales volume of the profit leg (500 units).
Binary MLM Plans often incorporate additional features like a binary matching bonus, which rewards distributors for the sales made by their personally sponsored members. These bonuses provide extra incentives for distributors to train and support their frontline team members.
In summary, the Binary MLM Plan operates on a binary structure with two legs: the power leg and the profit leg. Distributors aim to balance the growth of both legs to maximize their earnings. Commissions and bonuses are earned based on the sales volume of the weaker leg, and additional incentives may be provided for supporting and training personally sponsored members.
How Does Binary Multi-Level Marketing Plan Work?
Server Requirements
As you know this system is in Wordpress CMS. The Wordpress CMS has a few system requirements. You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
PHP 7.4 or greater
MySQL 5.6 or greater OR MariaDB 10.1 or greater
Nginx or Apache with mod_rewrite module
HTTPS support
Plan Setup
Plan settings steps :
Login to the website's admin panel
Go to Settings > admin settings, and fill in your websites settings (like title, subtitle logo)
Go to Plugin> Activate Binary mlm plan.
That's Done!!
Plan Setup
Plan settings steps :
Go to Settings if the first user is registered then you will directly jump on general settings otherwise you have to create the first user.
Username --> Enter your username.
Password --> Enter the password.
Confirm password --> Enter the password that is the same as the filled-in password.
Email --> Enter your valid email.
First name --> Enter your First name.
Last name --> Enter your Last name.
That's Done!!
General Settings
General settings steps :
Cron job url --> cron is known as cron job is a time-based job scheduler, this is the URL of cron job.
Currency --> Select your Currency, which means what type of currency you will distribute to the Users
Affiliate user Redirect Page --> Select the page where the affiliate user will redirect after registration.
Redirect After Registration --> Select the page where the normal l user will redirect after registration.
Active ePin --> Active ePin means User can register only when he has ePin and epin is unique to every User.
ePin Length --> ePin Length means how many characters are in your Epin in which the minimum length is 8 and maximum length is 15 of ePin.
Auto Fill --> If you checked auto-fill and register more than one member then can not be changed Auto Fill.
Withdrawal limit --> Enter the withdrawal limit, how much money your can withdrawal, and update settings.
That's Done!!
Eligibility Settings
Eligibility settings steps :
Direct Referrals --> Set here how many direct referrals the user should have to get the commissions.
Left Leg Referral(s) --> Set here how many Left Leg referrals the user should have to get the commissions.
Right Leg Referral(s) --> Set here how many Right Leg referrals the user should have to get the commissions.
update settings.
That's Done!!
Payout Settings
Payout settings steps :
Pair --> You can set the pair for pair commission if you want the pair of 1:1(1 user on left and 1 user on right) or 2:1(2 users on left and 1 user in right) if this ratio is complete by a user then he will get the pair commissions.
Further, Pair --> Set the same things for further pairs after After the pair of initial pairs.
Initial Pairs --> Set the number of initial pairs you want.
Initial Pair Amount --> Enter the amount of initial pair the amount the user will get after completing every pair, the amount in % or a fixed amount.
Further Pair Amount --> Enter the number of Further pairs that amount the user will get after completing every Further pair, the amount in % or fixed amount
Direct Referral Commission--> Enter the amount that the user will get on every referral, the amount in % or a fixed amount.
Service Charge (If any)--> Enter the amount of service Charge that will deduct from the user amount at the time of payout, the amount in % or a fixed amount.
Tax Deduction--> Enter the amount of Tax Deduction that will deduct from the user amount at the time of payout, the amount in % or a fixed amount.
Update settings.
That's Done!!
Bonus Settings
Bonus settings steps :
Bonus Criteria --> Select the bonus criteria for bonus commissions you want to distribute bonus on the basis of no. of pairs or want to distribute on the basis of no. of referrals.
No. of the direct referral or No. of pairs --> Enter the no. of direct referrals if you select bonus criteria as the no. of referrals or if you select the no. of pairs then enter the no. of pairs.
Payout amount --> Enter payout amount.
Add/Remove --> You can add a slab on click of add a button to add the new row, you can add how many you want, to delete the row you have to click on the remove button.
Update settings.
That's Done!!
Levels settings steps :
Level Setting --> Level setting means you can give level commission by enabling and disabling the button
No. of Levels --> Enter the No. of level, how many levels you are given a level commission.
Update settings.
That's Done!!
Level Commission
Levels settings steps :
Level Name --> Level Name means you can give any name for levels
Commission Amount --> Commission Amount means You will distribute or give an amount as per as level
Commission Type --> Commission Type means you can give the amount fixed on the Product or you can give the amount in a percentage of product Prices
Update settings.
That's Done!!
Epin settings steps :
ePin Type -->ePin Type means regular and free ePin, regular E-pin is provided to users as per your particular prices
ePin Name --> ePin Name means you can give a particular name to the ePin.
ePin Price -->ePin Price means you can give the price for Epin, you generate ePin.
Number of ePins -->Number of ePins means how many ePins you want to generate in a single time.
Update settings.
That's Done!!
License settings
License settings steps :
Your Lisence Key --> Enter the Lisence key that is provided by us.
Purchase License --> If you do have not any key! so please purchase the license key From our site otherwise contact us.
Update settings.
That's Done!!
How to Distribute commission
Here you have the report of all user's commissions ->here you can check how many levels, referrals, join commissions and pair commissions users get.
There are four types of commission pair, join, level, and referral commission for users.
Distribute commission >>After the clicking of this button all commission is shown in the run payout.
That's Done!!
How to run payout?
Go to Binary Mlm Plan > Run Payout. Here is all type of commission that users will get.
Payout run: Here you will find the run payout button. Click on this button to run the payout.
How can I check user reports?
Go to Binary Mlm Plan > User Report. Here you will see user reports listing total commissions, bonuses, and deductions.
Action: Here you will find the button. click on this button to check particular user reports.
Personal detail: Here you will find the all personal detail of the user.
Company commission: If this user is a company then you can see company commission.
Level commission: Here you can see the level commission of the user.
Join commission: Here you can see the join commission of the user.
Referral commission: Here you can see the referral commission of the user.
How can I check payout reports?
Go to Binary Mlm Plan > Payout report. here you will see a master payout listing with total commissions, bonuses, and deductions.
To view details of the payout click on the action button, here you will see the user's payouts with their total commissions, bonuses, and deductions.
To view user's payout details click on the action button, here you will see complete details of that user's payout.
In our system we have developed genealogy with a d3.v4 organization chart.
How To Manage Withdrawals Requests?
Go to Binary Mlm Plan > Withdrawals. Here you will see user withdrawal requests. Click on the active pay button to change the status of the withdrawal request. you can change your withdrawal status only once.
To view details of withdrawal click on the action pay button, here you will see the user's withdrawal request and you can accept the request and you can see the history of withdrawal.
Here you will get the all detail of withdrawal requests. and history of withdrawal requests. here we have three sections.
withdrawal request Here you will get the all detail of the withdrawal request.
Bank detail here we have the account detail of the user for the payment.
payment form to change the status of payment.
withdrawal history Here we have a history of withdrawals, paid requests, process requests, and initiate requests.
Mail Center
Go to Mail Center If the admin wants to send mail to any user he can send mail using the mail center.
Select the user you want to send mail to.
Enter the subject of the mail.
Type the message that you want to send to the user.
Mail Settings
Go to Mail Settings To see the mail settings.
Write the mail in the message box that you want to send to the user.
Select the mail type for what you're typing mail.
Click and use in the message these keywords in your mail.
Click on Submit button to save the mail.
Registration steps :
username--> Your username should be unique otherwise it will return an error.
Email--> Your Email also should be unique otherwise it will return an error.
First Name--> Enter your first name.
Last name--> Enter your last name.
Password--> Enter your password.
Confirm password--> Enter your confirm password, the password and confirm password should match otherwise, it will return an error.
Mobile no.--> Enter your Mobile Number
Sponsor Name--> Enter your sponsor name, the sponsor is a person who refers you to this plan.
Parent Name --> Enter your parent's name, parent is the person that is just uplines you.
Position --> Select your position Left or right if both are filled you have to choose another parent.
Registration Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of the registration page [registration] you can also use this shortcode on any page for registration Ex. [registration]
That's Done!!
LOGIN steps :
User Name--> Enter your username or email.
Password--> Enter your password.
Login Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of userlogin page [userlogin] you can also use this shortcode on any page for userlogin Ex. [userlogin]
That's Done!!
User dashboard
User dashboard :
User earning--> User earning details how many users earn, how many withdrawals by users, and the no. of referrals.
Withdrawal Amount--> It is User's Withdrawal Amount
Earning Bonus--> User earning Bonus on Refferel and Pair Basis
Earning graph--> User earning and withdrawal report every month is shown in graphical form.
Earning graph--> User earning wagon wheel you can check how much % of commission from which commission source.
Top user--> Here we have a list of top users of plans.
Recentlyregistered user--> Here we have a list of some users who are recently registered.
Dashboard Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of the dashboard page [dashboard] you can also use this shortcode on any page to display the dashboard Ex. [dashboard]
That's Done!!
In our system, we have developed genealogy with a d3.v4 organization chart.
Genealogy Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of the Genealogy page [genealogy] you can also use this shortcode on any page to display Genealogy Ex. [genealogy]
That's Done!!
User Payout details
User Payout details :
payout list--> Here we have the total payout list details you can check how many and which commission you have got.
particular commission--> If you want to know about a particular commission then click on the tab that you want to know about.
User Payout List Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of User Total Payout List [payoutlist] you can also use this shortcode on any page to display the payout list Ex. [payoutlist]
That's Done!!
User Personal details
User Personal details :
Here we have the personal details of the user here we have the total downline and total amount and total referrals.
Profile Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of Profile page [profile] you can also use this shortcode on any page for display Profile Ex. [profile]
That's Done!!
User account details
User account details :
Please fill you the details otherwise you can not withdraw the amount from your account Update your account details.
User Bank Account Details Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of Bank Account Details. You can also use this shortcode on any page [UserBankDetalis] to display the Bank Account Details of User Ex. [UserBankDetalis]
That's Done!!
User Withdrawal details
User Withdrawal details :
Account details--> Here we have the total amount details of your current amount, requested amount, and pending amount.
Withdrawal List--> You have withdrawal amount details.
Withdraw Amount--> Withdrawal form enter your amount how much money you want to withdraw and click on request now to withdraw the amount.
Withdrawal Detail Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of the Withdrawal Detail page [withdrawal] you can also use this shortcode on any page for withdrawal Ex. [withdrawal]
That's Done!!
User Send Email to Invite Anyone:
Email--> Enter the Friend's email and the friend you want to join in your downline by the email and click on the invite button to invite the friend.
Invitation Shortcode --> This is a shortcode of the Invitation page [sendinvitation]. You can also use this shortcode on any page to display the Invitation page Ex. [sendinvitation]
That's Done!!
Reset Binary mlm plan
Reset Binary mlm plan steps :
Reset data--> By clicking on this button you can reset all the settings and delete registers users' data of (BMP) Binary Mlm Plan you can delete all settings that you fill before and users.