This module implements a Unilevel Multilevel Marketing (MLM) Plan algorithm and also we can say ePins system mlm marketing that allows users to register under another user by using the sponsor name and e-pins on registration page, users who register under a specific user are assigned to this user's tree.
Unilevel MLM Plan Software is a web application that helps to manage unilevel MLM networks such as to keep track on down-line’s incomes , uplines and expenditure.
Unilevel Multi Level Marketing Plan includes number of legged structure where in a parent Node has many sub nodes where each new distributor or members is placed in down sub-tree. It is one of the basic Unilevel MLM plan which is required by all the MLM organizations be it small or large. The unilevel MLM plan helps admin managing users or sub nodes in a unilevel network to keep record of their income, expenses etc.
Admin can gives some settings for get the commission to the users. In which admin set eligibility setting, commission setting and also create the e-Pins.
According this setting new users get the commission and admin will set the how many percentage or fixed amount of commission will be distribute to the users by this settings. Admin can gives the permission of to network width and height of tree for how many users will be register on each level.
Admin can display genealogy or pictorial representation of users tree.
Admin will also transfer the amount that request will be generate from users side.
Admin will also display users report in which users earing and personal profile information.
Admin will also display payout reports of the users earning commissions.
Admin will distribute and then run the payout of the users then that commission will be display in users dashboard.
User can display our total earning, downlines and withdrawal amount of the users and earing also display by charts and graphs.
User can display genealogy of our under registered users.
User can display our payout list, join commission list and referral commission list.
User can also request to the admin for withdrawal the our earning amount.
This Commission will be distribute to the new user registered on our website.
This Commission will be distribute to the Sponsor, it means that new user will register under any sponsor.
The amount rewarded to a successful customer on touching the levels defined by the organization. The levels can be improved by achieving a milestone set by the company and you get rewarded as much you raised in levels.
One way is flat commission in which the employee gets a rate or percentage on any sales he makes. Another method is to ramp commissions in which the percentage increases as the employee generates more sales or reaches higher goals.
e-Pin is a randomly generated number generated by the admin to provided it to the new users to use it for being a paid member but before using it the user needs to purchase it from the admin by paying its fair through cash. It is used during the time of registration which is optional but for being a paid member every user must have registered with e-Pin.
This module uses a Unilevel MLM algorithm in assigning users, it can store up to multilevel levels in each user's tree and admin can gives the restriction network of width.
This module can be further updated to include e-commerce integration with multiple commission calculation and distribution