Random Products

Random Products

Overview :

Random Products is the module which allow to show the random products in each refresh or open the page on which you set the extension of random products.


Random Products

Random Products is the module which allow to show the random products in each refresh or open the page on which you set the extension of random products .It also set the limit of products which is used for set the limitation of showing products on the site. It is very simple to use and very helpful for showing the random products.


»One Year Free installation support
»Simple and Robust-installation
»Easily manageable from admin
»Show the random products.
»Set the limit of products.

Admin Configuration

After the successful installation of the module, the admin will be able to configure the Random Products module for use. Admin can do following settings-

»Enable/Disable the Random Products module.
»Can set the products on any page.
»Can set the limit of products.

On website

Simply show the Random products at the bottom/top of the pages, position was set in admin.

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