Server Requirements
As you konw this system is in Laravel framework. The Laravel framework has a few system requirements.
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 7.3
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP Extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
How To Install?
Please Follow the steps :
- Extract the zip file and copy all files and folders from laravel-fmp folder and paste to your websites root folder.
- Open Termainl or CMD and enter to project root folder.
- Run
composer install
command on this folder. if composer is not installed the please download from here. - Copy rename .env.example file to .env
- Update Database and other details
- Run
php artisan key:generate
to generate security key for your project. - Then Run
php artisan storage:link
to create link of your storage folder. - Then Run
php artisan migrate --seed
to update basic settings and superadmin user.
Default Admin Details:
Url : <YOUR_WEBSITE_URL>/ldadmin
Email :
Password : 1234567890
Update Settings
- Login to website's admin panel using admin details ( provided in installation seaction ).
- Go to Settings > admin settings, and Fill your websites settings (like title, logo, email etc.), You can also change your personal settings too. (email can not be changed untill mail settings has been updated).
- For managing website mail settings go to Settings > Mail Settings, Here you can add, update email settings, mail templates and mail footer links.
- For managing payment settings go to Settings > Payment Settings, Here you can update your payment geteaways settings.
- For managing user options go to Settings > User Options > <OPTIONS YOU WANT TO UPDATE>, Here you can create or update user options.
- For managing app home page content go to App Settings , here you can enable/disable any section or can update content of that section.
That's Done for Basic Settings !!
Manage Vip Plans/Subscriptions
- Create New Plan : Go to Vip Packages > Add New Package, Here You can Create new Package, You have to create different packages for male and female.
Package Lis : List of all packages. you can find actions links like edit, delete. set default or status change.
Note : Please make sure, you will set any one package as default for male and one for female and these should be enabled.