Server Requirements
As you konw this system is in Laravel framework. The Laravel framework has a few system requirements.
You will need to make sure your server meets the following requirements:
- PHP >= 7.2.5
- BCMath PHP Extension
- Ctype PHP Extension
- Fileinfo PHP extension
- JSON PHP Extension
- Mbstring PHP Extension
- OpenSSL PHP Extension
- PDO PHP Extension
- Tokenizer PHP Extension
- XML PHP Extension
How To Install?
Please Follow the steps :
- Extract the zip file and copy all files and folders from laravel-fmp folder and paste to your websites root folder.
- Open Termainl or CMD and enter to your website root folder.
- Run
composer install
command on this folder. if composer is not installed the please download from here. - Run
php artisan setup:db
and follow the instructions. - Run
php artisan setup:fmp
and follow the instructions. It wll ask you to install demo, if you enter "yes" all the settings has been filled randomly and some fake user will be registerd automatically. - Run
php artisan db:seed --class=CountrySeeder
For Ecommerce address. - Run
php artisan db:seed --class=StateSeeder
For Ecommerce address.
Admin Details:
Url : <YOUR_WEBSITE_URL>/fmp-admin
Email :
Password : 1234567890
If Demo is installed, you are ready to test your Fmp Plan, else you have to update your plan settings in admin panel first, else users will see "settings not completed" message on every page.
If you want to test your plan settings, you can Run php artisan db:seed --class=DemoUsers
command on website root folder. some fake user will be registerd automatically.
If you Want to add demo product, you can Run php artisan db:seed --class=CategorySeeder
command on website root folder. for category,php artisan db:seed --class=ProductSeeder
command on website root folder. for Demo Product,php artisan db:seed --class=ProductimageSeeder
command on website root folder. for Demo product images And php artisan Storage:link
command on website root folder. for link the product images .
If you need to remove all users and their relational data after testing your system please Run php artisan reset:users
command on your website's root folder, it will remove all users and their relation data except first user.
Plan Setup
Plan settings steps :
- Login to website's admin panel using admin details ( provided in installation seaction ).
- Go to Settings > admin settings, and Fill your websites settings (like title, logo, email etc.), You can also change your personal settings too. (email can not be changed untill without mail settings, for updating mail settings go to .env file and set your mail settings).
- Go to Settings > admin settings Ecommerce, and Fill your websites Ecommerce settings (like Currency, thubnail size etc.).
- For managing website menu go to Settings > Manage Menu, Here you can add, update or delete menu items.
- Go to FMP Settings > Create First User, and create your first user.
- Go to FMP Settings > General Settings, and update your general settings.
- Go to FMP Settings > Payout Settings, and update your Commissions.
- Go to FMP Settings > Regular Bonus, and update your Regular Bonus Slabs.
- Go to FMP Settings > Royalty Bonus, and update your Royalty Bonus Slabs.
- Go to FMP Settings > Deductions, and update your Deductions.
- Go to FMP Settings > Email Templates, and update your Email Templates. you can use dyanmic merge code to add dynamic data in email.
- Go to FMP Settings > SMS Settings, and update your sms provider details for sms notifications.
- Go to product > All product , click on edit product And enable the product for fmp commission on all product that you want to include in fmp ecommerce.
That's Done!!
How can i check payout reports?
- Go to FMP > Payout Report. here you will see master payouts listing with total comissions, bonuses and deductions.
- To view details of payout click on action button, here you will see the user's payouts with their total commissions, bonuses and deductions.
- To view user's payout details click on action button, here you will see complete details of that users payout.
How can i manage users?
- Go to Users > Active Users. here you will see users listing.
- You can view user's earning report by clicking icon from action column.
You can view or update user's profile details by clicking icon from action column.
You can not delete any user, you can only disable users by clicking icon from action column.
- You can also enable disabled user, for that : Go to Users > Disabled Users you can enable user by clicking icon from action column.
How can i manage Ecommerce?
- Go to Product Categorty . here you will see Category listing.
- You can create new category by clicking Add Category Buuton.
You can view or update Products by clicking icon from action column.
You can create Product clicking on add product button from here.
- Go to Product > Add product You can Create a new froduct from here.
You can view or update Order by clicking icon from action column, And you can update order status from Status select box.
You can Check order details from here.
- you can update order status from Status select box.
- You can download Invoice From Download button.
- You Want to see live preview of Invoice you can see From Live preview button. Go to Order >Order detail Click on live preview to see order invoice.
How can i manage website ?
We have following cms options to manage your website.
- Pages : For Pages Management. You can add, update and enable/disable pages.
- Services : For Services Management. You can add, update and enable/disable services.
- Manage Gallery : For Gallery Management. You can upload and delete images.
- Manage FAQ(s) : For FAQ(s) ( frequently asked questions ) Management. You can add, update and delete questions.
user can cheack Ecoomerce details ?
- you can check your ecommerce details here you can logout form click on logout button.
- Click on order se see your orders list.
- Click on View button from action coulmn to see order details.
- Click on download button to download invoice.
- If you purchase a Downloadble Product, You can download it's file from here.
- You can update your basic information from here and also you can update your password.
Where user can their account earnings ?
User can see summary of their logged in account on dashboard page (<YOUR_WEBSITE_URL>/fmp-dashboard)
- Total E-wallet Balance
- Pending Amount
- Total Earned Amount
- Total Withdrawal Amount
- Referrals Chart
- Commission Chart
- Recent Referrals List
- Recent Payouts List
- Recent Wallet Transactions List
- Recent Withdrawals List