Telephone Login

Telephone Login

Overview :

Telephone Login is a module allows you to manage a login by. Also it will always appear at the module section in Extensions,.


Telephone Login

Telephone Login is a module allows you to manage a login by. Also it will always appear at the module section in Extensions, in admin section u can select how can customer login with, by email, by telephone and email/telephone both.



»One Year Free installation support
»Simple and Robust-installation
»Easily manageable from admin
»Multi-Store compatible

Enjoy and Thanks for downloading.



Free Support


Skype: jks0586

WhatsApp : +91 9717478599

Support: 24X7

Installation Steps

If You are using OpenCart 3.X.X.X version, you need to install Installation Issue Fixed Module.

»Copy all files/folder to exact location manually. (Go to step 6)
»OR with the help of “Extension Installer” below are the steps.
»Open your admin go to Extensions Tab and click “Extension Installer”.
»Then click on “Upload” button and select the downloaded folder/directory “”.
»After that go to “Modification” you can see the file below, now click clear and refresh button.
»Now go to Extension Tab and select “Extension” then click on dropdown menu and select “Module”.
»Then click on “Install” and “Edit” button then Fill the details and enable the status and then save it.

Enjoy and Thanks for downloading.

Skype jks0586
WhatsApp 9717478599
Support 24X7